Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pat the Rat - Visual Freudian Slip?


I was just scrolling (rapidly) through memeorandum, looking at headlines, when what do I see as the words roll past?

"Rat problem"...

Gross! I scroll back quickly, thinking there's a potential laugh there somewhere.

rats... rats... rats... Where did the rat story go?

Heh. It was PAT, not rat. My eye caught the headline about Pat Robertson and his disgusting remarks about Haiti, and translated it as "Rat problem".

While there's nothing funny about the tragedy in Haiti, I do find it funny that the rat I was seeking is Rat PAT Robertson.

So... Am I lysdexic? Or a subconscious genius?

"Pat Robertson, the Rat Problem" -- Says all I need to say about that man and his ideas...


Republican Redefined said...

Great post man. Sad day when men of Faith forget their mission. Reminds me why so many Founders were Deists. Maybe they knew something the rest of us seem to be missing.

JC said...

Ah, behold what has become of this world when those who would speak in my name to the widest audiences are also those who are the largest of horses' asses...